ASGARD - Eleonora: Odhalení jinotaje (black thrash) (
ASSESSOR - Štvanice (techno death thrash) (
AWRIZIS - Final Hybridation (melodic death) (
D.M.C. - Blitzkrieg (death metal) (
D.M.C. - Murderous Power (death metal) (
DESIRE FOR SORROW - At Dawn of Abysmal Ruination (sympho black) (
DISSOLVING OF PRODIGY - Time Ruins Also Beauty (gothic doom) (
EVERLASTING DARK - Return to Darkness (sympho doom) (
FELISHA - Homo Latex Latexus (grind'n'roll) (
I WARNED YOU - Breathing the Scarlets (melodic death) (
MATER MONSTIFERA - Na zrcadlech lží (sympho black) (
R-E-T - Coming Soon... (gothic doom) (
SCENERY - Mental Confusion (techno death) (
SKLEPMASTER - Accursed Through Eternity (melodic death) (
TORTHARRY - When the Memories Are Free (death metal) (
V.A.R. - Není se kam skrýt / No Place to Hide (thrash metal) (
VIRTUAL VOID - Ride to Hell on Fucking Whores (death'n'roll) (